Leander Book Talk: Greg Searle – If Not Now, When?

Enjoy an evening with Olympian Greg Searle, author of the book "If Not Now, When?", in aid of the Leander Trust with finger buffet.

On Thursday the 5th of September, Greg Searle is coming to Leander Club to talk about the book he wrote about his experience as an Olympian.

Greg Searle won Gold in the Coxed Pair alongside his brother Jonny, at the Barcelona Olympic Games in 1992. At the age of 20, he received an MBE, and by the time he had reached his mid-thirties, his glorious career as an international athlete was over. Or was it? If Not Now, When? is a book about obsession; about the drive to be the best you can be, whatever your age. In April 2010, and almost two decades older than the rest of the British rowing squad, Greg made the decision to come out of retirement and go for gold again at the London 2012 Olympics. His journey gets to the very heart of what it means to compete; teamwork and loyalty, the struggle to deal with disappointment and the will to win. In the 2012 final, Greg won bronze as part of the men’s eight and sealed his status as Olympic legend.

Tickets for this event are available hereBook Talk: Greg Searle – If Not Now, When? Tickets, Thu 5 Sep 2024 at 19:00 | Eventbrite

The Rowing Book Talks are open to all and are run in aid of the Leander Trust. The ticket price includes a generous finger buffet in the beautiful dining room at Leander Club overlooking the River Thames.

This Rowing Book Talk is part of Series 3 of the Leander Library Rowing Book Talks. The library at Leander Club is one of the most comprehensive collection of rowing books and documents in the world. It is owned by the Leander Trust, which is a registered charity (No. 284631) to advance the education of young people and their physical education by providing facilities – including grant awards – to enable and encourage rowing and sculling; and to help by providing facilities for recreation for those who need such facilities because of their youth, social or economic circumstances. The charity has created opportunities for young people who did not have access to rowing, but now have offers to study at American universities on full rowing scholarships! It is truly making a difference in the lives of young people. All funds raised go directly to the Trust and Leander Club is providing the food at cost.

Never Miss The Boat

Two men and a woman using tin plates to row a canoe in the 1930s
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