The Piper Gallery
John Piper was one of the most significant British artists of the 20th century. From his home and studio at Fawley Bottom, on the edge of Henley on Thames, he produced work that crossed creative boundaries.
Piper refused to be defined by a style or artistic movement and constantly experimented, collaborated and explored new ways of working. He has become known as a Neo-Romantic artist but was also one of Britain’s leading abstract painters and a dedicated modernist.
Our gallery explores Piper’s life and career, including paintings, theatre designs, ceramics, travel guides, textiles, prints, illustration, art and architectural criticism, and stained glass. Some displays are permanent and others change regularly to reflect the extraordinary range of Piper’s work.
Explore highlights from the collection and discover more about Piper and his many talents in the highlights below, clicking each image for more information.
Image: John Piper in his studio at Fawley Bottom, cutting the design for the stained glass window commissioned for Arthur Sanderson and Sons Ltd., 1959. Photo: Elsbeth Juda. With kind permission of Siobhan Davies. © The Piper Estate/DACS 2021

Click images for more informationPeople think it dishonest to be chameleon-like in one’s artistic allegiances. On the other hand, I think it dishonest to be anything else. Not only must one change one’s spots or stripes or other outward markings according to the influences one truly experiences, within oneself, but surely one’s whole nature, aesthetic-sensually, as it were, should be susceptible to change.
John Piper
Never Miss The Boat

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